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Sunday, March 1, 2009
::melaka+day 1+ emo night::
we having some activities on t night. sgt2 la tercungap2 bler kn lari time en azmi blg kertas 2. work..!hahaha.. then having bbQ yg sgt2 sdap!burrrrbbbb...ahaks!!!!
bfore t bbQ..
every1 was so full!huhu
so effin nice...;)
amboi pegy..ade niat nk kawen 2 eh?haha
nora & jaja covering up their face
comeynye adiah fawas..haha
apo 2 cik aini????
nk bkak adiah nye psl dh x pndang camera dh.huhu
canteknye adiah...
diowg nie klu senyum mmg suke tayang gg
jue, fariha, nana & ina
muke2 xcited dpt adiah.huhu
peyg nmph separuh jer.haha
mama & p'ja
kami pun dpt jgk..!huhu
nmpk je camera smua lari.huhu
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::melaka+day 1+ emo night::
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what can we say? we are team. we are classmate. we are of what we are. nothing can change our relationship. coz we know, we are the best!
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