where do we start?
class bo6A, since part 3 lg. bfore ni mmg lah msg2 ade y dh knal each other. tp nk knal 1 class 2, i mean betul2 knal kn. amik ms agk lm jgk lah kn?
so mostly dlm class nie rmi dr segmt, sarawak & macang.. (urm..ade t'tgl lg x?)
dak2 pompuan x yh cter la. majority sbb dak lelaki nye 5 owg jer..! huhu. n smua from campus sarawak. aiii....mn g y laen? no idea.. huhu..
1st sem nye story? jp pkir..
x bp igt lah... kecuali y time adi t'tndang pc kt lab 2.. time class en. zaidi x slh. y 2 mmg cnfirm igt. x mcm tkejot lak kn 1 class pc tcmpk..hahaha.. sejarah...;p
2nd sem story...
berto jd model kn time nie? ke part 5 ar..? tp y pnting time nie smua owg dah get long sesame.. x ley blah y mama-Qas sbuk cr papa dia... uppppssSSSSsss.. haha..;p
3rd sem story...
time nie best.. ktowg g serting.. fuiyyyoooo... best woooo... smua sbb PR. i think, if it wasn't the PR project, we wont be so close. right? although it can be admit, it is a challenge 4 all of us, but we made up. we glad we're ok & everything was fine.. without team work, it won't be success.
4th sem story...
can't believe we going 2 the end. here we started as friends. share lot of things 2gether, fight, misunderstanding, laughing & crying.. but we made it all the way. kt adalah kt. manusia x sempurna. tp kt go through these 2 gther...
kt smua rock the world..! who cares what people say bout us. kt jer y tau kt mcm mn. y pnting kt smua prove y kt bley..! yeahhh!!!!